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Enhancing the look of your skin and body is a significant journey to undertake. It's natural to have questions! We've collected the most common questions we're asked about our services. If you have additional questions, feel free to schedule a complimentary consultation!

What can I expect with my complimentary consultation?

Your consultation is an opportunity for us to understand your desires and needs, and to have all your questions answered. It's also when we'll craft a customized service plan unique to your needs. In most cases, we'll be able to start your treatment right away if you're ready!


Do you offer pain-reducing techniques?

Absolutely! Most clients find the majority of our services do not require topical anesthetic treatments, but for those who do, we can offer ice packs during treatment. Topical numbing cream, such as EMLA or BLT, can be offered for a small convenience fee. Certain treatments, such as microneedling, include numbing as part of the service! (Note that topical creams can require up to 30 minutes to provide a sufficient numbing effect.)


How many treatments will I need?

Most aesthetics services achieve the best results through a sustained treatment cycle. As an example, because facial and body hair go through cycles of growth and not all hair follicles will be targeted during a single session, multiple laser hair removal sessions are essential to targeting the highest percentage of hair follicles in order to get the best approximation of true permanent hair loss. During your complimentary consultation, Dr. Crawford will review the typical number of treatments needed to achieve a particular result. Also, as part of your treatment plan, Dr. Crawford will review your progress with you along the way and make sure we're on target!


What kind of down time can I expect?

Down time serves two purposes in aesthetics treatments: first, it reduces the risk of unwanted effects, and second, it maximizes the effectiveness of the treatment. As an example, most treatments on sun-exposed areas of your body may leave your skin more sensitive to sun exposure for a period of time following the treatment. During your complimentary consultation with Dr. Crawford, and at every treatment, you will be given detailed aftercare instructions so that there's no confusion!


Do you offer skin care products?

Skin care is a critical maintenance step to looking your best, no matter what aesthetic service you choose! Dr. Crawford has evaluated multiple skin care product lines and his professional recommendation is Mary Kay Cosmetics, which provides the same or better results as many more expensive skin care product lines at a much better value. Mary Kay's multiple award-winning products may only be sold through independent beauty consultants. If you don't already have a Mary Kay independent beauty consultant and would like a complimentary skin care and color consultation, reach out to Nancy Crawford, Mary Kay Independent Sales Director!

We also recommend and retail AlumierMD products, which have also garnered multiple awards, and can target your additional skin care needs.


Do you take before and after photos?

Absolutely! We take before and after photos of all our services (except those involving the breast, pelvic area, and buttocks) and keep them in secure storage. We're proud of the work we do and want to share with you the progress you've made in your beauty journey! We also strive to improve our technical proficiency and use these photos to refine our approach. Don't worry, photos are never posted except by your permission!


What about services for men?

Of course! Men have skin, too, and also care about their appearance! In fact, laser hair removal for men is one of the fastest-growing segments of the aesthetics industry, and neuromodulators are a close second. We pride ourselves on making all of our clients feel welcome and appreciated, so don't hesitate to schedule a complimentary consultation. And ladies, skin care services make great gifts, so treat your man to a special service and show him how good he looks!


Do you offer primary care services?

You bet we do! We believe that primary care is, well, primary to your overall health and wellness. Dr. Crawford is an experienced family physician treating men, women and children of all ages. Membership in the practice follows the direct primary care model, which is released from the constraints of the insurance-based healthcare system. A perk is that members of our primary care practice receive discounts on aesthetics services! Interested in learning more? Jump on over to our primary care pages and read on!

Have more questions? Ready to schedule your complimentary consultation? Click below to schedule!

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